Reduce Skyrocketing Gas Costs With AMSOIL Synthetic Oil!
Industry tests have shown improved fuel economy of 2 - 5% in vehicles using synthetic lubricants. Many AMSOIL customer testimonials tell of even greater savings. But there is another way to reduce oil usage. AMSOIL synthetic motor oils are designed for extended drain intervals and reduce the amount of oil used by as much as 80%. Fewer oil changes means less oil used. "Keep America on the road with AMSOIL, the original synthetic motor oil.
"We can reduce the dependency on foreign oil by converting our vehicles to synthetic oils and lubricants. Amsoil is 100% American made and manufactured. Amsoil puts less waste back in the environment, and it saves gas. This is a WIN-WIN combination for America right now. Let's do our part to reduce our dependency on Middle Eastern Oil."
AMSOIL gives a 5% increase in fuel economy on average, and in some cases 20% and even more! Why use ordinary oils when our superior AMSOIL synthetic oils outperform all others? AMSOIL Synthetic Oil achieves superior lubrication, extends engine life by reducing friction and wear and creates more horsepower. As a home-based AMSOIL dealer, you can build a great repeat-order business.
Help reduce our dependency on foreign oil! Use AMSOIL Synthetic Oil.
Find out how AMSOIL can increase your fuel economy!
"AMSOIL is the Best Lubricant made, the Standard by which all others are judged."...Bobby Unser, 3-time Indy 500 Winner, 35 overall Indy Car wins, and 13-time Pikes Peak Hill Climb Winner.
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You love technology! Personal computers, hand helds, cell phones, and digital cameras. Your vehicle is state of the art engine technology. Then why are you using dinosaur squeezings to lubricate it? Petroleum oil is the way we lubricated the first cars in 1890. Synthetic oil is Jet Engine technology. Don't use 19th Century technology on your 21st Century vehicle. Welcome to the future, the future is now! Synthetic oil's time has arrived, don't get left in the past!
AMSOIL Application Product Information
AMSOIL markets the most complete line of synthetic lubricants on the market today, as well as a number of other innovative, high quality automotive products. Please select products from the index below for your application.
Cars and Trucks
Racing and Performance
Motorhomes and RV's
Diesel Trucks and Delivery
Dirt Bikes
Outboards and Marine
Personal Watercraft
Lawn and Garden
Small 2-Cycle Engine
Farm and Agriculture
Industrial and Manufacturing
Logging and Forestry


Six Ways That AMSOIL Can Save Gas
Are today's gas prices draining your bank account?
AMSOIL lubricants reduce friction in your engine, your transmission, and your gear boxes. When friction is reduced it takes less energy to turn the wheels of your vehicle, thus increased efficiency and increased fuel economy. Many customers report having to set down t heir idle on the fuel system because it was too high after switching to AMSOIL. Engines run higher RPM on the same fuel, reduced friction means better gas economy and better protection for your engine.
How to save money on fuel… with AMSOIL.
It does little good worrying about whether fuel prices will go up or down. Very few people have control over the price of fuel at the pump. What you should focus on, then, are things you can control.
Foremost among these are the lubricants you use in your engine and drivetrain. Synthetic motor oils, transmission fluids and gear oils have a proven reputation of increasing fuel efficiency. AMSOIL has been the leader in synthetic lubrication for automotive service since 1972, hence its name "The First In Synthetics." Compared to conventional petroleum based lubricants, AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils yield significant increases in fuel economy.
Not everyone is able to downsize their vehicle every time gas prices go up, but whether you downsize or not, you'll want to switch to AMSOIL synthetic lubricants for more efficient, cleaner engine operation.
Fuel savings with AMSOIL synthetic oil Six ways to increase your fuel economy